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(Membership fees are tax-deductible!)

Any patron of the East Longmeadow Public Library is eligible to become a Friend regardless of where you live. Enthusiasm and love of the library is our only requirements.  Your membership fee helps to enrich and promote the library when you join.  The Board meets the first Tuesday of January, March, May, June, September and October.  We welcome members and the general public to attend..

Time Restraints?  Interested in helping the Library, but don't have the time to actively participate?  We understand.  What about becoming a supporting Friend?  The Friends offers memberships to those who would like to financially support the library on an annual basis.  We offer a variety of support levels. 

Grow With Us as a Member of the Friends

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To become a member, either pay online using PayPal or print out and complete the FOELPL membership application and pay your tax-deductible membership dues:







(For instructions to download application from a mobile device or tablet, click here:  



Mail the application with your check to:


Friends of the East Longmeadow Public Library, Inc.


60 Center Square   Suite 2

East Longmeadow, MA  01028

Please note:  You will receive a receipt from PayPal via email when paying online..

  Look for it in your inbox.


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$ _____  Donation

 $  15 . . Individual (ages 19-59)


 $  10 . . Senior (Age 60+)


 $  25 . . Family (Members of one household)                                     

 $  50 . . Patron/Business


 $100 . . Lifetime

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