Vinick Memorial Scholarship Awards

Norma & Bernard Vinick
School Year 2024-2025
3 - $1,000 Scholarships
Deadline: March 15th
Thanks to the generosity of Norma and Bernard Vinick who included the Friends of the East Longmeadow, Inc. as one of the beneficiaries of the Bernard J. Vinick Trust, the Friends unanimously agreed to imitate the Vinicks' actions and share our good fortune by "paying it forward." We will present three (3) scholarships, each in the amount of $1,000, to three (3) high school graduating seniors. Preference will be given to students who have volunteered or worked at the Library and/or those who have participated in library programs. We wish all applicants continued success throughout their college career.
* Resident of East Longmeadow
* Volunteered and/or participated in programs at the East Longmeadow Public Library
* Entering their freshman year as a full-time student at an accredited institution of higher learning
in the fall of 2025.
Students who are family members of individuals on the Scholarship Committee are ineligible for consideration.
The Scholarship Committee's decision will be final.
Submit the following with your application:
1. High school transcript
2. Details of work in your school and community
3. Minimum of 2 reference letters (not from relatives)
4. Any additional items of interest.
Submit application to:
Friends of the East Longmeadow Public Library, Inc.
Attn: Scholarship Committee
60 Center Square Suite 2
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Mail all documents in a sealed envelope or bring it to the library on or before March 15th.